Hello! I'm Matthew, a cinema lens technician and expert in the field of motion picture lens service, design, and restoration. This page will give you some background on the various projects and endeavors of mine. If you find my work interesting and want to connect, contact me here.
Duclos Lenses
My life's work. I started Duclos Lenses along with my father and sister in 2002. The company has grown quite a bit since then but remains a family owned and operated business that I couldn't be more proud of. Duclos Lenses is the premier source for professional cinema lens service, sales, and accessories. From routine maintenance to custom engineered solutions, Duclos Lenses is the solution the film industry relies on for staying focused.
The Cine Lens
First published in 2009, I created this blog as a space to share my passion and expertise in cinema lenses with a broader audience. It’s where I dive into the technical details, review the latest innovations, and offer guides and insights tailored for cinematographers and lens enthusiasts. Whether you’re a professional in the field or just curious about the art and science behind motion picture lenses, The Cine Lens is my way of connecting, educating, and exploring this fascinating industry.
Cine Lens Wiki (CLeW)
CLeW began as a passion project during Covid lockdown with the goal of catalogging technical details and history for as many cinema lenses as possible. It has since snoballed into a resource for fellow lens geeks and filmmakers. The ultimate resource for cinema lens enthusiasts and professionals. It has since become a much larger project that serves as the platofrm for a variety of tools and resources for lens technicians and enthusiasts around the world.
Industry Contributions
I am proud to contribute to the advancement of cinema and filmmaking technology through my involvement with these prestigious organizations:
- American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) - Associate member
- ASC Motion Imaging Technology Council (ASC MITC) - Lens committee
- Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences - Sci-Tech Awards Committee
- Society of Camera Operators (SoC) - Associate member
- Digital Cinema Society (DCS) - Lifetime member
- Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineer (SMPTE) - Member
Industry Speaker and Educator
As a passionate advocate for the art and science of cinema lenses, I enjoy sharing my knowledge with film school students, aspiring lens technicians, and industry professionals. Whether it's speaking at trade shows, hosting workshops, or guest lecturing, I bring decades of hands-on experience in lens design, service, and innovation. My goal is to inspire and educate the next generation of filmmakers and technicians, offering practical insights and fostering a deeper appreciation for the tools that shape cinematic storytelling. If you'd like me to speak at your event or institution, feel free to reach out.
Connect with me on various social media platforms: